Visiting Durango


Dining in Durango, Colorado

Explore our handy guide to restaurants in Durango. Search by name, or search by type.

Durango has more fantastic restaurants per capita than San Francisco! Whatever tastes are tempting you, we probably have it. From fine dining to a casual night out, to kid-friendly establishments, you will be delighted with everything Durango has to offer. The hardest part will be knowing which one to visit first. Browse a listing of all the restaurants, bars, coffee houses and more through our comprehensive Durango dining guide.

Search by keyword, business name, or the item or service you are seeking:

Fine Dining
High end food for sophisticated tastes.
Casual Dining
Sit back, relax and enjoy the food.
Family Friendly
Fun for the entire family!
Brew Pubs & Distilleries
Enjoy craft drinks
Quick and Local
A quick bite and then we're off!
Outdoor Seating
Enjoy our perfect weather (but bring a sweater!)
Start your day off right! Durango offers many different coffee shops, bakeries and breakfast restaurants to get your day started.
Coffee, Tea, Bakery
It makes you go!
Sweet Treats
Go ahead and have two, we won't tell.
A good meal keeps you going.
Pet Friendly Patios
Share a meal with your best friends.
Downtown Restaurants
In the heart of Durango.
North Main Restaurants
The up and coming North Main district is vibrant and dynamic.
Foodie Tour
A quick tour of some fantastic restaurants in Durango.
Restaurant Spotlight
The inside scoop from some of Durango's best restaurants.
Family Dining Guide
Your guide to family friendly dining in Durango.
Beer, Wine & Spirits Tour
Tour your way through all our local breweries and more.